Thursday, September 25, 2008


Wingfield, South Australia

from Don Matthews
Sep 25, 2008 4:05 PM
Recycling spent poly tank

Dear Amari,

I notice you sell poly rainwater tanks and wondered if you could help me.I am wanting to buy a poly tank but would like to know if it can be recycled when it eventually is broken down by sunlight. I would like to think I was doing the right thing by the environment in buying a tank which can be recycled at the end of its life.

Thanks for your help
Don Matthews


No reply


from Don Matthews
Oct 7, 2008
Re: Recycling spent poly tank

Dear Amari,

Could you please acknowledge and respond to my email,


Don Matthews


Reception <> wrote:

Dear Don

Very sorry for the very late response to your emails. We have been having problems with our email server and some emails were getting lost. Anyway, in answer to your query, currently we are only manufacturing steel rainwater tanks. We intend to look at poly next year, however at this time we have not investigated the recycling issues ourselves so I'm not able to comment.

Andrew Churchett
Amari Tanks

from Don Matthews
to Reception
Oct 27, 2008
Re: Recycling spent poly tank


Dear Andrew,

Thanks for your reply. I have an intersest in the environmental impact of poly tanks and am getting 'interesting' replies to questions on recycling UV-degraded tanks from the industry - quick to say 'yes' but become silent when questioned further and asked for evidence. If you are interested in following progress please let me know. I'm not a manufacturer, simply a concerned member of the public who is beginning to ask questions and wondering why the issue is being 'pushed under the carpet'. I particularly like the sound of the staainless steel tanks being made in Brisbane. Do you know about thease?

Don Matthews


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