from Don Matthews
to Leisa Donlan
date Nov 5, 2008 11:47 AM
subject Welcome back Leisa
mailed-by gmail.com
Dear Leisa,
I hope you had a good trip to USA and that all went well.
Things have been 'hotting up' so to speak during your absence. What initially started out as a matter of private curiosity and interest to me regarding recycling of spent poly tanks seems to be turning into something much more than I expected.
I thought it would be all quite simple and straightforward The industry and yourself were telling everyone that UV-degraded (spent) tanks can be recycled, yet when I start asking for more details and evidence I am greeted with silence. This is very strange.
I'm sure some of your ARMA members will have updated you on my tirade of curly questions by now. Think it may be causing headaches for some. Sorry bout that.
Now there is something I need to tell you. A few 'high profilers' have suddenly taken an interest in what I'm doing so I thought it would be a help to everyone if I put all my emails and responses together in a 'report' of some kind. Then it's all together for easy reference for anyone who want to use it. Who knows, someone might even be interested in publishing it? You never can tell. A title I have been playing around with is "The current state of recycling UV-degraded poly tanks in Australia" What do you think?
It could turn out to be a positive for the industry in letting the public know the industry is being environmentally responsible by doing something to honour its reassurance "Can poly tanks be recycled? Yes, they can be completely recycled".
The industry and yourself have been very helpful in providing me with material for my research. Thanks again.
I look forward to further communication and dialogue on this issue which is of importance to every Australian.
Leisa Donlan to me
Nov 5
Dear Don
I have seen several of your emails to the industry, quoting my previous emails to you. I would encourage you to speak to a materials scientist, who may be able to explain to you, in language you can understand, the process of adding new stabilizers to recycled material, which makes it suitable for reprocessing.
In the meantime, I’ve also included some websites that show not only the recycling process but also some of the products which rHDPE is used to manufacture. In the USA manufacturers now compete for a “Best Product” award for recycled projects and we look forward to adding a similar stream to our current awards program.
I believe the reasons for the silence from the industry are because you have been unwilling to disclose your real interest and the fact that recycling is so common, the answers to your questions are readily available with some active research on your part.
I look forward to seeing your published report and hope it will contain accurate facts that reflect an understanding of the recycling process, how its being used by our industry and a call for local government to become more heavily involved in making the collection process easier for homeowners across Australia.
Leisa Donlan, FSAE
Chief Executive Officer
Association of Rotational
Moulders Australasia Inc.
Leisa Donlan ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com
toDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
Wed, Dec 3, 2008 RE: Disposal of spent poly tank
Dear Don
I would like to send you some information that verifies PE is routinely recycled but it is in hard copy. Could you please provide an snail mail address?
Leisa Donlan
fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
toLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
Wed, Dec 3, 2008
Re: Disposal of spent poly tankmailed-bygmail.com
I have no problem with the fact that non UV degraded polyethylene can and is currently being recycled. This is not an issue with me or APTCIG. What is an issue is UV degraded plastic. There is no way this can be remoulded. A fact of chemistry and physics. I stand to be corrected but every direction I take ends up with the same answer. UV degraded plastic is only fit for one thing - the dump. I think there needs to be a big education program about this. I think there is ignorance in the industry and the public. The info you want to send would need to be specific to UV-degraded plastic
Leisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
toDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
Wed, Dec 3, 2008
RE: Disposal of spent poly tank
Yes, it is. Its a 2003 study, performed by University of Queensland and the Brisbane City Council which led to the development of products, manufactured using UV degraded polyethylene. This particular scheme now uses outdoor seating, rubbish bins and other rotomoulded products in Brisbane parks and public areas which are brought in and recycled back into the same products.
Most regrind made from products in service is brought in from the environment and reprocessed for use blow moulding, because there is a lack of material for that process.
To be very simplistic about the process: UV degraded, rotomoulded PE is cut up into little pieces The little pieces are reprocessed into pellets including new UV stabilizers and carbon blackFor blow moulding, the material is formed into pellets for processing or the pellets are ground into powder for rotomoulding
Perhaps 30 years ago chemistry may not have been available, however, as I've mentioned several times already, the plastics industry has moved on since the early 1980's and recycling of spent PE is a regular and ordinary process in this millennium.
fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
toLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
Thu, Dec 4, 2008
Re: Disposal of spent poly tank
Interesting what you say but I am still sceptical, however, I still stand to be corrected if proved wrong. Can you scan and email the information? If not is there any reference I can go to to on the net or U of Q/BCC to find out more about the 2003 study you mention? The UV degraded polyethylene I am talking about is brittle, lost all of its strength and all of its plastic properties. You know what a plastic watering can is like when it has been out in the sun for a long time. It literally falls apart and there is no good plastic left. This is what poly tanks will end up being like. People will not replace them until they stop holding water and literally falling apart. You say outdoor seating, rubbish bins and other rotomoulded products are being brought in and recycled. I would suspect these are not ones which are falling apart but still have plenty of non UV degraded plastic left in them. Bench seats and rubbish bins would never have a chance to get anywhere near the stage a UV degraded tank will get. Put me on to specific recyclers where this is going on and I will investigate.
My Vanglobe material scientist contact was the Technical Manager (B App Sci Chem) who showed initial interest in a 'research project' but as soon as I began asking more searching questions and for evidence he went silent. I have asked several times for a response but get no replies. If anyone should know what's going on in the field of plastic recycling these days it would be him. The mere fact he has gone silent is a pretty clear message to me that this is an unknown area.
The industry is madly hoping UV degraded plastic can be recycled - but as yet have not been able to come up with any evidence. No positive response from the industry and no denying what I am beginning to say more widely tells me I am on the right track - UV degraded polyethylene can't be recycled. Prove otherwise and might start rethinking.
I think the industry is clutching at straws.
from Leisa Donlan ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com
to Don Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
Dec 4, 2008
RE: Disposal of spent poly tank
Unfortunately its too large to scan, if you aren't willing to provide a mailing address, I must assume you don't really want to receive any information that could verify how common the process of recycling is today.
Tony Mercieca, your contact from Vanglobe is no longer employed by the company and I assume this would be the reason for his lack of response.
I'm well aware of what UV degraded polyethylene looks like, even after its been in service for decades. Are you?
Rotationally moulded PE used for water tanks cannot be compared with injection moulded materials used to make buckets or chairs.
Even after 20 years service, cross sections of tank walls show there is only a thin layer of degraded material on the exposed parts of the tank. Some UV stabilizers are added into the virgin material to burn off during processing without degrading the material. Other UV stabilizers are added to ensure product can operate in the environment. Both of these stabilizers can easily be re-added to degraded, recycled material so it can be processed again. I've sent you the technical details of these stabilizers in a hyperlink twice already. Have you bothered to "research" them?
I simply don't know how to convince you that plastic is commonly recycled and I'm beginning to suspect you don't want to be convinced. You seem not to want to believe any of the evidence I have provided to you, nor have you been open about providing this information on your website to allow people to review all the data and make their own, informed, decision.
I would be very interested to know what material or processes your "Backyard Liner Tanks" are made from or use and what process you have in place to ensure they can be easily and effectively recycled at the end of their product lives. Are you aware of their carbon footprint?
The industry is aware that they are not dealing with a "concerned citizen" but are being asked to respond to a competitor who has not been willing to be honest about his activities. Hence the lack of response to you.
Although I'm sure it won't happen, I would like to see you publish this email in its entirety on your blog.
Leisa Donlan
fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
toLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
Fri, Dec 5, 2008
Request details Vanglobe Technical Manager replacement
Dear Leisa,
In your email of 5 November you said
"I would encourage you to speak to a materials scientist, who may be able to explain to you, in language you can understand, the process of adding new stabilizers to recycled material, which makes it suitable for reprocessing."
I did make contact with the material scientist from Vanglobe (recycler and supplier of plastic resin top the industry) a Mr Tony Mercieca (Technical Manager and B App Sc Chem). We did begin a productive discussion but he just stopped communicating midstream for some unknown reason.
You have now informed me that he is no longer employed by Vanglobe (4 Dec) which could explain why I have not heard from him despite making several attempts to establish contact again.
Could you please forward me the name and email address of his replacement at Vanglobe so I can continue the discussion thus following your valued advice.
Don Matthews
fromLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
toDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
Dec 5, 2008
RE: Request details Vanglobe Technical Manager replacement
Are you asking similar questions of the metal tank manufacturers? Metal tanks are not recycled in Australia, the material goes to landfill.
fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
toLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
Fri, Dec 5, 2008
Re: Request details Vanglobe Technical Manager replacement
What has metal tanks got to do with my request for details of Tony Mercieca's replacement?
fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
toLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
dateFri, Dec 5, 2008
ARMA response for report
Dear Leisa,
In a previous email you said it was
"not a part of my role to waste member's time in responding to someone who is clearly looking to publish their own, possibly detrimental statement, has shown a complete lack of understanding of the process, its materials and good manners, I have stopped responding to you" (29 Aug)
I know you are a very busy lady and as I don't want to be accused of 'wasting' any more of your valuable time I have devised three very simple straightforward questions. I need it for an official ARMA response to be included in my research report to be published in the new year.
Q1 and Q2 only require one word answers yes or no. From what you keep saying to me all the time your answers should be Q1 'no' and Q2 'no'. Q3 should only take a couple of minutes to find 1) the name and email address of a recycler who is currently recycling UV degraded polyethylene and 2) a manufacturer (and email address) who is using this recycled UV degraded plastic so I can communicate with them and find out what process they are using and what products they are being turnedinto.
Please note it must be specifically UV degraded plastic not non-degraded plastic, and they will need to spell this out in writing. Like you I am a very busy person and don't want to be sent on any more wild goose chases.
Sunlight eventually breaks down plastic making it brittle and lose all its strength. The long-chain polymer molecules which allow plastic to be moulded and give it its strength and rigidity are ruptured by UV light. No amount of added UV stabilizers will prevent the chemical degradation process from occurring. Essentially the plastic disintegrates and loses all its properties. As a result I don't see how it is possible to then remould it into other products. Is the correct?
Would I be correct in saying that polyethylene plastic currently being recycled is only clean plastic such as factory scraps, seconds etc and not fully UV degraded (spent) plastic ?
If I am not correct (and I am more than happy to be put right) and fully UV degraded plastic is actually being remoulded what evidence is there to support this? What process is being used and what products is the spent plastic being turned into?
Sorry to bother you again,
Don Matthews
Australian Poly Tank Concerned Individuals Group
asking questions, recording responses, drawing conclusions
fromLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
toDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
Dec 5, 2008
RE: ARMA response for report
I'm happy to provide all the information you require when you provide me with a hard copy mail address which any legitimate organisation should be willing to provide.
Don Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
toLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
Dec 5, 2008
Re: ARMA response for reportmailed-bygmail.com
I don't believe this!
First Gough Plastics won't answer my questions on important environmental recycling issues unless I tell them who I work for. I tell them I don't work for anyone and they don't believe me so I then make up a name to keep them happy,
Then you say I am a competitor.
Now you won't send information which will only benefit yourself and the industry unless I give you a postal address.
If that's way you want to play it's your choice.
All emails are going into my report.
It will be interesting to see what other people are going to think about all this.
The ball's in your court.
Email the information.
No postal address.
Don Matthews
fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
toLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
Dec 8, 2008
subject Give me a valid reason
You said on 5 Dec
"I'm happy to provide all the information you require when you provide me with a hard copy mail address which any legitimate organisation should be willing to provide"
Why does the the information I am requesting, and which you are happy to provide, need to be posted? What's the matter with email?
Please give me a valid reason why I should have to provide you with a mailing address before you will send information to help me with my private research (as a concerned member of the public) into the recycling UV degraded poly tanks.
fromLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
Dec 9, 2008
: Give me a valid reason
Dear Don
The report is bound and hundreds of pages. It cannot be scanned.
Leisa Donlan
fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
toLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
Dec 10, 2008 :
Re: Give me a valid reason
Were you planning to post me the whole report?
Not necessary. All I need is a copy of the relevant pages spelling out that UV degraded plastic can/and is being recycled and where it is being done so I can go and investigate.
fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
toLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
Wed, Dec 17, 2008
subject Request for information
To: Leisa Donlan CEO Association of Rotational Moulders Australasia
From: Don Matthews APTCIG
Please email names and email addresses for Managing Directors of the following manufacturers. I wish to ask some serious questions on recycling.
National Poly Industries
EGR Water
If you choose not to release this information without a valid reason I will interpret your actions as a deliberate attempt to block my investigations into industry 'recycling' claims and will make every effort to make my view widely known.
Don Matthews
APTCIG Australian Poly Tank Concerned Individuals Group
seeking honest answers to open and honest questions
No response. My view is now being made widely known as promised. The following is being circulated to the polytank industry. It will then be circulated to the general public.
(Association of Rotomoulders Australia) blocks investigations into poly tank recycling claims.
According to Don Matthews, leader of the Australian Poly Tank Concerned Individuals Group (APTCIG), UV-degraded plastic cannot be recycled and the polytank industry is misleading the Australian public on recycling.
In a survey of the industry conducted over the past 6 months he was reassured repeatedly by manufacturers and suppliers that UV-degraded tanks could be recycled at the end of their life. On further questioning and requests for evidence the industry went quiet.
APTCIG now wants to put questions to company directors but their association CEO Leisa Donlan seems not to want to go along with this idea.
Over the past months ARMA has put up the following obstructions to APTCIG investigations:
On 11 Aug 2008 I emailed:
Dear Lisa,
In my email of 24 July I asked if you had names and email contacts for key people in member companies of ARMA.
Haven't received anything yet. The reason I am asking is that I emailed the following companies from addresses given on their website for assistance in my research into recycling spent poly tanks. No-one bothered to reply or acknowledge receipt of my email. They were definitely received because none were returned. There is no excuse for this and only helps to reinforce my view that nothing is being done. You will appreciate why I am so sceptical.
sales@nationalpolyindustries.com.au 9 July
paulh@duraplas.com.au 15 July
infoworld@polyworld.com.au 17 July
sales@teampoly.com.au 17 July
Brisbane@ozpoly.com.au 17 July
feedback@waterforce.com.au 23 July
Could you please forward names and contact emails for all managing directors of ARMA associated companies. Maybe then I will be able to get a response to my questions.
Don Matthews
No response
On 11 Aug 2008 I emailed:
Dear Leisa,
I am interested in finding out more about the work you are doing with Auckland University on finding new ways to make it easier for tank owners to recycle their own tanks at the end of their product life
Dear Don
Details of the research currently being undertaken are restricted to ARMA members, as the research is still in progress and funded by the members.
Leisa Donlan
On 27 Aug 2008 I emailed:
Do you have an email address for egr water ? Can't find it on their website.
No response
On Dec 17 2008 I emailed:
To: Leisa Donlan CEO Association of Rotational Moulders Australasia
From: Don Matthews APTCIG
Please email names and email addresses for Managing Directors of the following manufacturers.
I wish to ask some serious questions on recycling.
National Poly Industries
EGR Water
If you choose not to release this information without a valid reason I will interpret your actions as a deliberate attempt to block my investigations into industry 'recycling' claims and will make every effort to make my view widely known.
Don Matthews
Australian Poly Tank Concerned Individuals Group
seeking honest answers to open and honest questions
No response. I am now proceeding to make my view widely known.
fromDon Matthews <mailto:donmatthews7@gmail.com%3EtoLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
Dec 30, 2008
Request for ARMA board members
Please email names of ARMA board members.
Don Matthews
APTCIG Australian Poly Tank Concerned Individuals Group
seeking open and honest answers to open and honest questions
Don Matthews <mailto:donmatthews7@gmail.com%3EtoLeisa Donlan <mailto:ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com%3EDec 31, 2008 Request for OFT and ACCC complaints mailed-bygmail.com
I wish to check you have been telling me the truth.
On 15 Aug 2008 you said
"This website is notorious in the industry for its inaccuracies and misleading statements. We have many several formal complaints to them and to both the Office of Fair Trading and ACCC"
Please email a copy of the formal complaints you claim to have sent to the Office of Fair Trading and ACCC together with a copy of their reply. If you you are unable to send copies I will have no option but to conclude you were making the story up.
Don Matthews APTCIG
fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
toLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
dateThu, Jan 22, 2009 at 2:27 PM
subjectMake your decision Leisamailed-bygmail.com
From: Don Matthews APTCIG
To: Leisa Donlan CEO ARMA (Association of Rotomoulders Australia)
I have requested the following information on several occasions:
1. Name and email address Managing Director EGR Water. I wish to ask some questions.
2. Name and email address Managing Director Ozpoly. I wish to ask some questions.
3. Name and email address Managing Director National Poly Industries. I wish to ask some questions.
4 Names of ARMA board members. I wish to ask some questions
5. . Copies of complaints you claim to have sent to ACCC and Office of Fair Trading regarding John Rosenfelder's 'notorious' website http://www.stainlessrainwatertanks.com/. I want to check if you were telling me the truth. Please email requested information.
I will give you until close of business on Fri 30 Jan to make your decision. If you decide against I will find out in my own way.
Don MatthewsAPTCIG
Australian Poly Tank Concerned Individuals Group
"seeking open and honest answers to open and honest questions"
fromLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
toDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
dateThu, Jan 22, 2009 at 4:16 PM
subjectRE: Make your decision Leisa
Dear Mr Matthews
It is our contention you have made and published false statements that we believe have had and will continue to have a detrimental effect on the industry while they remain in the public arena. It is our further claim that this has resulted in financial losses to the Association and its member companies through loss of sales. We also believe that your false or edited copies of correspondence to journalists have damaged the reputation of the Association, for which we should be compensated.
The Association requests you remove the following information and content from your website http://thegreataustralianpolytankdebate.blogspot.com/ by close of business on Friday 23rd January, 2009:
Any information regarding our organisation, myself or our staff
Copies of any correspondence between us
Any reference to any of our member companies, their directors or staff
Copies of any correspondence from our member companies
Any claims that “poly” tanks cannot be recycled
And further, that you agree not to author or publish any similar information in the future.
Should you choose not to amend or remove your website by the time listed in our email, the matter will be referred to our lawyers for immediate action to commence. If the website is withdrawn or edited as requested, we will agree not to pursue the matter legally.
Leisa Donlan, FSAE
Chief Executive Officer
Association of RotationalMoulders Australasia Inc.
PO Box 826, Ipswich Q 4305 AustraliaPhone: +617 3812 1450 Fax: +617 3009 0600Email: ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com Web: http://www.rotationalmoulding.com/
fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
toLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
dateFri, Jan 23, 2009 at 5:38 PM
subjectRe: Make your decision Leisamailed-bygmail.com
From: Don Matthews APTCIG
To: Leisa Donlan CEO ARMA
I am unable to remove the weblog. My hands are tied by the search for truth and honesty. All I can do is remove any information which can be proved incorrect. The people of Autralia will now judge for themselves and decide the outcome.
Don Matthews
Australian Poly Tank Concerned Individuals Group
"seeking open and honest answers to open and honest questions"
fromLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
toDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
date Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 11:38 AM
subjectRE: Make your decision Leisa
Dear Mr Matthews
I am unsure why you claim you cannot delete the blog. The instructions to do so (from your blog server) are below and can easily be found at http://help.blogger.com/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=41387 We are prepared to allow you a further week to delete the blog before we begin legal action, however after that time, should the blog remain online, we will immediately move forward without further correspondence.
Leisa Donlan, FSAE
How do I delete a blog?
To delete your entire blog, just go to Settings Basic:
At this point, make absolutely sure that you are on the right blog and that you want to permanently remove it from your account. Then click Delete This Blog: and confirm by clicking OK Note: If your blog is on your own server, its files will not be deleted. You can FTP in and delete them manually. Related Articles:How do I delete a post? How do I cancel my account? How do post a redirect to my new address?
fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
toLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
dateWed, Jan 28, 2009 at 2:33 PM
subjectPlease provide evidence Leisa 1
In your email of 22 January 2009 you made the statement:
"It is our contention you have made and published false statements"
Please identify any specific statements I have made or published and provide me with evidence which proves they are incorrect
I will give you till end of business Friday 30 January to respond.
Don Matthews
Australian Poly Tank Concerned Individuals Group
"we're aiming for transparency - and we shoot from the hip"
fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
toLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
dateTue, Jan 27, 2009 at 1:56 PM
subjectRe: Make your decision Leisamailed-bygmail.com
From: Don Matthews APTCIG
To: Leisa Donlan ARMA
Dear Leisa,
Thankyou for giving me 1 weeks grace to consider removing my weblog. It is most kind of you. I will use this time to see whether the people of Australia think I should cave in and remove it and will get back to you with my decision by close of business on Fri 30 January.
Thankyou once again.
Don Matthews
Australian Poly Tank Concerned Individuals Group
"voice of the little people"
fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
toLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
dateWed, Jan 28, 2009 at 1:00 PM
subjectCorrecting my weblog
Dear Leisa,
Could you please help me sort out which statements on my weblog are incorrect. I thought if I could remove or correct any false statements you would feel happier that I am not then saying or publishing any untruths.
If everything on the weblog is then correct there shouldn't be any problem, should there?
I am going to ask you a series of questions, one at a time, and put them on the weblog for public view. Tell me if it is incorrect and give me your reasons. If you can prove that what am saying is incorrect I will look at it and either remove it or change it. You will have an audience waiting for your answer.
You have given me till close of business on Fri 30th before you begin legal proceedings so I trust you will keep to your word. I am about to email and post the first question.
fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
toLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
dateWed, Jan 28, 2009 at 2:33 PM
subjectPlease provide evidence Leisa 1
In your email of 22 January 2009 you made the statement:
"It is our contention you have made and published false statements"
Please identify any specific statements I have made or published and provide me with evidence which proves they are incorrect
I will give you till end of business Friday 30 January to respond.
Don Matthews
APTCIGAustralian Poly Tank Concerned Individuals Group
"we're aiming for transparency - and we shoot from the hip"
fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
toLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
dateWed, Jan 28, 2009 at 2:33 PM
subjectPlease provide evidence Leisa 2
Dear Leisa,
In your email of 22 January 2009 you stated:
"We also believe that your false or edited copies of correspondence to journalists have damaged the reputation of the Association, for which we should be compensated"
Please provide evidence of any correspondence I have sent to journalists. I will give you till end of business Friday 30 January to respond.
Don Matthews
Australian Poly Tank Concerned Individuals Group
"we're aiming for transparency - and we shoot from the hip"
fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com
toLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
dateWed, Jan 28, 2009 at 2:34 PM
subjectPlease provide evidence Leisa 3
Dear Leisa,
In your email of 15 August 2008 you stated:
fromLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>toDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
dateFri, Aug 15, 2008 at 4:28 PM
subjectRE: I don't quite understand
Dear Don
This website (www.stainlessrainwatertanks.com) is notorious in the industry for its inaccuracies and misleading statements. We have many several formal complaints to them and to both the Office of Fair Trading and ACCC.
Leisa Donlan,
Please provide copies of complaints you claim to have sent to Office of Fair Trading and ACCC.
I will give you till end of business Friday 30 January to respond.
Don Matthews
Australian Poly Tank Concerned Individuals Group
"we're aiming for transparency - and we shoot from the hip"
fromLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>toDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 5:00
Dear Mr Matthews
I have provided evidence on the recyclability of HDPE including technical references and recycling company contact details several times. You have chosen not to publish any of this information on your site, nor have you contacted the companies that perform the recycling. I’ve attached some more references on recycling but I have suspected for some time, you have no interest in establishing that recycling is common and are easily led by less intelligent claims from competitors. I would have thought that with even a wider chemistry qualification you would be aware that PVC, PET & HDPE are completely different chemical compositions and claiming one will behave exactly the same way as another because they are all “plastic” is simplistic and inaccurate. To assist you I have provided the first pages of your site showing highlighted areas of concern.
Leisa Donlan, FSAE
fromLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>toDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>Feb 4, 2009 at 2:05 : Deadline passed
Mr Matthews
What we can prove, we will now prove in court:
That you edited emails that were sent to you when you published them (we have copies of all the originals).
That you ignored confidentiality clauses contained in emails and then published them in total or in part (we also have copies of those).
That you were provided with proof of recycling via technical content and even the Internationally recognised standard for plastics recycling and that you chose not to publish any of that information.
That you claim to be an expert with a relevant qualification (but you were in fact a publish servant in the education arena).
That we made an attempt to resolve the situation with you (through providing all the information you requested last week).
And that all of your biased claims therefore have damaged my own reputation and that of the industry (and that both ARMA & myself should receive financial compensation for that).
I would recommend you seek your own legal advice before you continue to correspond with me further.
Regards Leisa Donlan,
Chief Executive Officer
Association of RotationalMoulders Australasia Inc.
PO Box 826, Ipswich Q 4305 AustraliaPhone: +617 3812 1450 Fax: +617 3009 0600
fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>toLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
Fri, Feb 6, 2009 subject Members are askingmailed-bygmail.com
Members of APTCIG are asking why your letters of complaint (and replies) you claim to have sent to ACCC and OFT regarding John Rosenfelder's 'notorious' website need to be kept 'confidential'. Is there something to hide? Or did you not really make any complaints?........ If you, did, please convince us. At present we don't believe you.
Don Matthews
Australian Poly Tank Concerned Individuals Group
"we're aiming for transparency - and we shoot from the hip"
fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>toLeisa Donlan <ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com>
dateFri, Feb 6, 2009 subject Peoples Court vs Court of Law mailed-bygmail.com
I have sought advice from my 'legal' advisers. Their silence suggests I am OK to continue. So I am. You are going to try and prove that you are right and I am wrong in a court of law. You will be spending Association member's money in doing this. I am going to prove that I am right and you are wrong in a peoples court. I am going to debate you on the weblog to all Australia. The people of Australia will then have all the facts before them. They will then be the judge and jury and decide the outcome.And it won't cost my members a penny.
Don MatthewsAPTCIGAustralian Poly Tank Concerned Individuals Group
"we're aiming for transparency - and we shoot from the hip"
To: Ms Leisa Donlan CEO ARMA
Copy to: undisclosed recipients
Dear Ms Donlan,
Gosh, we do hope you know what you are doing.
Your move to take our leader to court over his weblog has sent him into a right tizz.
We fear here at APTCIQ when gets in one of these tizzes there's no telling what he might do. When he received your email he shot out the door under a thundercloud muttering something about "go jump". Concerned that he was going to go and jump off the nearest building we immediately contacted Clinic Ooolaalaa. Luck has it he had just arrived.
Phew! Don't know what all the "go jump' was about.
You've not heard of Ooolaalaa? This is the second time our leader has scooted off to University of Maradonga's haven of rest for research-torn scientists to recuperate from shock. The first was a couple of months ago when like a bolt of lightening out of the sky came this email from Research and Development of one of the major, no, not your little fly-by-night polytankers, but a major, I mean MAJOR manufacturer, known right across the country, agreeing with our don that UV degraded poly tanks cannot be recycled. Can you believe that?!!!!!
We are burning the midnight oil here at APTCIG busily constructing our Peoples Court weblog and gathering together a people's jury from all over the country. It should be an interesting battle - your Court of Law to prove you are right and our don is wrong pitted against our Peoples Court to prove you are wrong and our leader is right. It will be an interesting 'battle' to follow in tandem with the Great Australian Poly Tank Debate
We wish you all the best in your Court of Law action and hope ARMA members will consider their money well spent.
We look forward with relish to our leader's rapid return to once more take up the search for truth and the fight against suppression.
Polly F Leen (Miss)
Australian Poly Tank Concerned Individuals Group
"we're aiming for transparency, and we shoot from the hip"
fromDon Matthews <mailto:donmatthews7@gmail.com%3EtoLeisa Donlan <mailto:ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com%3EdateMon, Feb 16, 2009subjectThe Great Australian Poly Tank Debate 1mailed-bygmail.com
From: Don Matthews To: Leisa Donlan CEO ARMA Copy to: undisclosed recipients
Dear Leisa,
You seem rather shy in coming forward to answer my questions.
To help overcome your shyness I am going to post my questions in the form of mini debates. Look at the http://thegreataustralianpolytankdebate/ weblog . You will see I have created a debate between yourself and me. I have called this 'Debate 1 Please provide evidence' This is where you get a chance to answer my questions to an Australian audience who I am inviting to come along (and bring their picnic rugs, eskys and friends). It is important this be brought out in the open for public discussion and debate.
It is just the beginning of a number of mini debates being planned for this year. I will be engaging in debate with the many others who have contacted me over the past 6 months claiming poly tanks can be recycled.
It is fair because we now both have a chance to say what we think and question each other in front of an Australian audience. I can't think of anything fairer, can you?
Don Matthews APTCIG
Australian Poly Tank Concerned Individuals Group
"we're aiming for transparency, and we shoot from the hip"
fromDon Matthews <mailto:donmatthews7@gmail.com%3EtoLeisa Donlan <mailto:ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com%3EWed, Feb 18, 2009 subjectThankyou for all your helpmailed-bygmail.com
Dear Leisa,
It has been very remiss of me not to have got back to you sooner on this. My apologies.
I wanted to thank you for all your efforts in helping to get The Great Austalian Poly Tank Debate off the ground. Without your help it would not have been possible.
Your Cease and Desist started the ball rolling then your Court of Law action gave it that much-needed rocket fuel to launch the Debate. This then put the idea in my mind of a Peoples Court. We look forward to the Peoples Court vs Court of Law Debate. I hope your preparations are coming along nicely.
Thankyou one again for your support and to the members of your Association in this historic landmark environmental debate Australia is about to witness.
Don Matthews APTCIG
Australian Poly Tank Concerned Individuals Group
"pushing for a cleaner environment"
fromDon Matthews <mailto:donmatthews7@gmail.com%3EtoLeisa Donlan <mailto:ldonlan@rotationalmoulding.com%3EWed, Feb 25, 2009 subjectDebate 2 Did you or didn't you Leisa ? mailed-bygmail.com
From Don Matthews APTCIG To: Leisa Donlan CEO ARMA
Before we can move on and make any progress I need to know if you are telling me the truth. At the moment I don't think you are. You claim to have made complaints to ACCC and OFT over false claims being made by John Rosenfelder on his website. I don't believe you did make any complaints. I have asked to see copies of these complaints and responses from ACCC and OFT. You have countered with "this correspondence is confidential and I cannot supply you with a copy". I gave you an opportunity to explain to me and my APTCIG members why this information needed to be kept confidential but you have not responded. This has strenghthened our view that you are hiding something.
There are now only two options left: 1. Provide us with a copy of complaints to ACCC and OFT, and their responses or 2. Admit that no complaints were made.
The sooner we can sort this out the sooner we can move on.
Don Matthews APTCIG
Australian poly tank Concerned Individuals Group
"we're aiming for transparency - and we shoot from the hip"
PS This email has been posted on the weblog Debate 2 post. A gathering audience is awaiting your response.