Wednesday, February 25, 2009

WA Poly Tanks

Henderson, WA
fromDon Matthews <>
Feb 26, 2009 Subject Recycling poly tanks

Dear WA Poly Tanks,

I notice you supply a large range of poly rainwater tanks and wondered if you could help me. I am thinking of buying a poly tank but would like to know if it can be recycled when it eventually is broken down by sunlight. I would like to think I was doing the right thing by the environment in buying a tank which can be recycled at the end of its life.

Thanks for your help
Don Matthews
fromDon Matthews <>
Mar 4, 2009 : Recycling poly

I have not heard back from you. Is there a problem?

fromGary Brockman <>toDon Matthews <>
Wed, Mar 4, 2009 : Recycling poly tank

Hi Don

Apologies for lack of response – our tanks are fully recyclable.

Gary Brockman
Director - Omni Manufacturing Pty Ltd/WA Poly Tanks
23 Success Way, Henderson, WA, 6166.;
Tel: 1800 92826
fromGary Brockman <>toDon Matthews <>Apr 22, 2009RE: The Great Australian Poly Tank

Hi Don

Where are your offices? Over East? I’ll be in Sydney in May – could we catch up to discuss this issue – I’d like to hear your point of view? Regards Gary BrockmanDirector - Omni Manufacturing Pty Ltd23 Success Way, Henderson, WA,
fromDon Matthews <>toGary Brockman <> Apr 22, 2009 Re: The Great Australian Poly Tank

Hi Gary,

No, I'm in Adelaide. Don't know how comfortable you are going to be with what I'm on about. Sounds like you have an open mind though and that's what's important. My aim is to bring it out into the open for discussion and debate. Nobody wants to talk about it but its got to be faced and sorted out. Have a look through the weblog. There is a lot more going on behind the scenes. Need to know where you're coming from. Look forward to further discusions.

Regards Don
Regret, don’t see myself in Adelaide for a while… I’ll look at the weblog when I get a chance.

Regards Gary Brockman Director - Omni Manufacturing Pty Ltd/WA Poly Tanks
Hi Gary, I like your open-minded attitude. Keep it up. Attached are are studio information releases I am beginning to send out to the public and media. Have a think about what i am saying and what is evolving. Keep an open mind and always remember that for me the bottom line is to look for the most positive way forward with the least amount of pain. Some in the industry have taken the attitude I am a competitor and regard me as their 'enemy' out to undermine the industry. I only go on the attack to people who through their own choice are not open and honest with me and are trying to hide something or avoid me. To others like yourself who are upfront and honest with me I respect. We may not agree with each other, that's not important. What is is that we all keep an open mind and are prepared to discuss and debate. Yes? OK, a lot of people are going to be put out of their comfort zone, including myself, but to me this is the only way we are going to make the rapid and huge mindshifts and behavioural changes needed for us to get thhrough the next decade (and come out smiling). Yes? Look forward to continued positive, constructive and friendly dialogue with you Happy acclimatising to my world,

Regards Don

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your threads with us. I really enjoyed it because no one want to publish their secret, but you are something different.

Poly tanks