Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Debate 5 Trent, please explain

Mr Matthews has asked to speak with Vanglobe's material scientist but Mr Farleigh refuses access. If you wish to check up on the background of this debate refer to the 'VANGLOBE BLOCKS INVESTIGATIONS' post


fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>to"trent. farleigh" <Trent.Farleigh@vanglobe.com.au>
ccLeisa Donlan <
Wed, Feb 25, 2009 subject Debate 5 Trent, please explain

From: Don Matthews APTCIG
To: Trent Farleigh Vanglobe Recyclers


Leisa has suggested I talk to a material scientist. I have asked to talk to yours but you have said "no".

Can you please explain to me and my members why?

Don Matthews
Australian Poly Tank Concerned Individuals Group
"we're aiming for transparency - and we shoot from the hip"

PS This email has been posted on the Debate 5 'Trent, please explain' post. A gathering audience is awaiting your response.


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