Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Rainhaven Water Systems

Head office ?
from Don Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>tosales@rainhaven.com.au
Mar 11, 2009 RE Recycling UV degraded poly tank mailed-bygmail.com

Dear Rainhaven Water Systems,

I notice you manufacture rainwater tanks and wondered if you could help me. I am thinking of buying a poly tank but would like to know if it can be recycled when it eventually is broken down by sunlight. I would like to think I was doing the right thing by the environment in buying a tank which can be recycled at the end of its life.

Thanks for your help
Don Matthews
fromSales at Rainhaven <sales@rainhaven.com.au>toDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>Mar 12, 2009 RE: Recycling UV degraded poly tank mailed-byrainhaven.com.au

Hello Don

Yes the tanks are recyclable. We cut up & recycle tanks that don’t pass quality control & thought they cannot be used again to make tanks they are used for buoys & other products.

Kind Regards,
Peter Willson
Sales DeptRainhaven™ Water Systems
fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>toSales at Rainhaven <sales@rainhaven.com.au>
Mar 12, 2009 Re: Recycling UV degraded poly tank mailed-bygmail.com

Dear Peter,

Thankyou for your reply but I don't know why you are telling me manufacturing rejects are recycled? that's not what I was asking. I thought my question was clear that I "would like to know if it can be recycled when it eventually is broken down by sunlight". You seem to have missed this?

Don Matthews

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dang Mr. Don Matthews,

You really need to calm down.
Please do not bother replying to this because I won't read it, but I was just researching my paper and came across your comment. Mr. Peter Willson clearly answered your question. He said YES they are recyclable, and will ONLY be recycled if they pass quality control. If they do not, the tanks will still be recycled, but not for water use. You really should get your hands on a "Hooked on Phonics". Next time, be more respectful to other people who are trying to help you out.
