Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Master Tanks (manufacturer SA)

Marleston SA
fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>toAdmin@mastertanks.com.au
Mar 11, 2009 subject Recycling UV degraded poly tank mailed-bygmail.com

Dear Master Tanks,

I notice you manufacture rainwater tanks and wondered if you could help me.
I am thinking of buying a poly tank but would like to know if it can be recycled when it eventually is broken down by sunlight. I would like to think I was doing the right thing by the environment in buying a tank which can be recycled at the end of its life.

Thanks for your help
Don Matthews
fromMaster Tanks toDon Matthews date Mar 11, 2009 Re: Recycling UV degraded poly tank

Hi Sir ,

Yes all of our polyethylene tanks can be recycled
Is there something else we can help you with.

Regards David
PH (08) 84439061
Post closed

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