Dural NSW
From: Don Matthews [mailto:donmatthews7@gmail.com]
8 December 2008
To: Erin Eyles
Subject: Recycling spent poly tank
Dear Dural Irrigation,
I notice you sell Nylex poly rainwater tanks and wondered if you could help me.I am thinking of buying a poly tank but would like to know if it can be recycled when it eventually is broken down by sunlight. I would like to think I was doing the right thing by the environment in buying a tank which can be recycled at the end of its life.
Thanks for your help
Don Matthews
fromErin Eyles <admin@duralirrigation.com.au>
toDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
Dec 9, 2008
RE: Recycling spent poly tank
To our knowledge poly tanks are not recyclable after there completed use. However I encourage you to contact the tank dealers directly, to receive a more detailed and knowledgeable response to your query.
Rapid Plas – 02 43234404 OR FREECALL ENVIRO AUSTRALIA 1800 011000.Tank Master – 08 9274 7000 I hope that helps answer your questions.
Katrine Hermansen
Dural Irrigation Pumps & Power Products
270 New LIne RdDural NSW 2158
Ph No:02 9651 4111 www.duralirrigation.com.au
fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
toErin Eyles <admin@duralirrigation.com.au>
Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 12:18
Re: Recycling spent poly tank
Dear Erin/ Katrine,
Thankyou for your honesty. My research agrees with what you are saying - UV degraded polyethylene tanks can't be recycled. This is opposite to what the industry and ARMA keep telling me. I may get back and talk to you later about this.
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