Thursday, August 14, 2008


I I have created this weblog to raise awareness of various issues of concern regarding the environmental impact of poly rainwater tanks and the unwillingness of the industry to acknowledge tanks are failing, many well before their warranty even expires. If no-one acknowledges there is a problem in the first place why discuss recycling ? The industry claims spent tanks can be recycled and promotes this as a responsible environmental move on their part. I don't think they are telling the whole story. They have not sorted out the issue of how to recycle spent tanks. I believe their recycling claim is simply a marketing tool to sell more tanks and make us feel environmentally comfortable. They are trying to reassure the public that recycling is all under control and that they are doing the right thing by the environment in buying a poly tank. If so, there are some serious underlying problems here. I have been directing questions to manufacturers and ARMA (the Association of Rotational Moulders Australasia) since the beginning of July. They are quick to say yes polyethylene plastic is recyclable but when questioned further about UV degraded plastic and asked to provide evidence the replies are vague and evasive. Most did not even bother to reply.

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