Sunday, April 26, 2009


m2raintanks refusing to respond to questions on recycling poly tanks. Why?

m2raintanks ( is a Melbourne supplier/installer of various tanks, including poly. As a retailer they have a responsibility to provide information to the public on their products . If they don’t know I expect them to contact the manufacturer and get back to me with the requested information. They are ignoring me.

What do you think? leave a comment or email me


fromDon Matthews

Feb 24, 2009
subjectRecycling UV degraded poly tank

Dear m2raintanks,

I notice you supply a large range of poly rainwater tanks and wondered if you could help me. I am thinking of buying a poly tank but would like to know if it can be recycled when it eventually is broken down by sunlight. I would like to think I was doing the right thing by the environment in buying a tank which can be recycled at the end of its life.

Thanks for your help
Don Matthews
No response
fromDon Matthews
Mar 4, 2009

Re: Recycling UV degraded poly tanks

I have not heard back from you. Is there a problem?

No response
fromDon Matthews
Mar 10, 2009

subjectRe: Recycling UV degraded poly tank

Dear m2tanks

I have emailed you twice about recycling poly tanks. Why haven't I received a reply???

Don Matthews
No response
fromDon Matthews
date Mar 23, 2009
subjectRe: Recycling UV degraded poly tank

To: Managing Director m2raintanks
From: Don Matthews

Dear Sir/Madam,

As an environmentally concerned member of the public I have asked on three occasions (24 Feb, 4 March, 10 March) for advice on whether the poly tanks you sell can be recycled at the end of their life when degraded by sunlight.

Could you please explain why I am being ignored and not given the courtesy of an acknowledgement or reply?

Don Matthews
No response
fromDon Matthews

dateFri, Mar 27, 2009 at 2:38 PM
subjectRe: Recycling UV degraded poly tank

Please acknowledge and respond to my email.

Don Matthews
18 April No response

The Great Australian Poly Tank Debate

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mitre 10 Blackwood SA

Mitre 10
Blackwood SA
from Don Matthews <>
Apr 21, 2009 subject Recycling UV degraded poly tank

Dear Rohan,

I noticed your advert for Teampoly poly rainwater tanks in our local The Blackwood Times (April 2009) and wondered if you could help me. I am thinking of buying a poly tank but would like to know if they can be recycled when it eventually is broken down by sunlight. I would like to think I was doing the right thing by the environment in buying a tank which can be recycled at the end of its life. Could you please advise if Teampoly's tanks can be recycled when degraded by sunlight at the end of their life.

Thanks for your help,
Don Matthews

Don its Mark we had this conversation yesterday you need to take this up with team poly here is there email address

I'm going to need a response back from Teampoly via Mitre 10. Responsibility for providing information back to the public on products rests with the retailer. You can't put this back on the customer. Also this is important information you need to have at your fingertips these days because people are becoming more environment-conscious and wanting to know if plastic products they are buying can be recycled at the end of their life. Could you please contact Teampoly and ask what they advise you tell customers who ask whether their tanks can be recycled when degraded by sunlight at the end of their life.

fromBlackwood M10 <>toDon Matthews <>
dateWed, May 6, 2009 at 5:53 PMsubjectRE: Recycling UV degraded poly tank

Don surely you would appreciate the need for water storage. Both companies who make them and customers who buy them need an alternative, do you have one?. The Murray river is at a critical low and these people are making an effort, yet you criticise them for making a positive difference for the environment. It makes no sense for you to single out rainwater tanks when the irrigation products that you purchase are made from a similar product that can’t be recycled .You have already spoken to team poly and other manufactures, these tanks have been approved by the Australian government. I suggest you take it up with them that is your right as a consumer. Mark

Don Matthews <>toBlackwood M10 < 12, 2009 at 4:47 PMsubjectRe: Recycling UV degraded poly


You have raised some interesting points worth discussing at another time but you seem to be evading a very simple request from an enquiring member of the public wanting to know if the Teampoly tanks you sell can be recycled when degraded by sunlight at the end of their life. All you need to do is ring them up, ask them the question saying a customer was asking a question I don't know the answer to and see what they advise you to tell this customer. Then just email me back with their reply. Simple. It's your responsibility as a retailer. All the other points you raise are red herrings and irrelevant to my enquiry.

fromBlackwood M10 <>toDon Matthews <> May 14, 2009 at 11:31 AMsubjectRE: Recycling UV degraded poly tank

Team poly have said their tanks are able to be recycled at the end of their life, quite often they are turned into trough’s. If this harassment continues it will become a police matter.


Monday, April 20, 2009


Reln Plastics refusing to answer questions on 'recyclability' of poly tanks.> mailto:to Mar 24, 2009 subject Recycling UV degraded poly tank

To: Nigel Nattrass Managing Director Reln Plastics

Dear Nigel,

There is an opinion going around that UV-degraded poly tanks cannot be recycled, that sunlight breaks the plastic down until it becomes brittle, falls apart and loses all the properties which enable it to be remoulded and recycled. As Managing Director of Reln Plastics I would be interested in your view on this. If degraded plastic cannot be recycled I see a potential environmental problem ahead when millions of degraded tanks will need disposing of at the end of their life.

Don Mattthews
No response

---------------------------------------------------------> to Apr 1, 2009 Re: Recycling UV degraded poly tank


Do you have a response for me?

---------- -----------------------------------------------
No response

---------------------------------------------------------> to Apr 6, 2009 at 10:48 Re: Recycling UV degraded poly tank


I am still waiting .

Don Matthews
No response.


Reln website

Environmental Responsibility

Environmental responsibility has been one of the cornerstones of Reln's development. All Reln's proprietary range of products are made mostly from polypropylene or polyethylene. Of all the polymers used by the plastics industry, polypropylene and polyethylene have the most viable second-life application and are the most easily sourced from the waste stream.

Reln pioneered the use of recycled plastic plastic in Australia and is now one of its leading consumers. Unless required by a product's unique specifications, Reln routinely uses recycled plastic in its products. Reln's program development team emphasises environmentally responsible solutions to meet its corporate client's needs. Reln's contributions to waste-minimisation and recycling have garnered significant recognition and numerous awards. Reln has developed strong corporate relationships with leading environmental organisations such as Landcare Australia, Keep Australia Beautiful, and the Environmental Protection Agency, as well as Government health departments and local governments.

Reln's line of recycling products are now distributed by more than 350 local governments in Australia.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Advanced Plastic Recyclers Australia (SA)

Adelaide SA
from Don Matthews <>
Apr 15, 2009 subjectRecycling UV degraded polyethylene tanks

Dear Chris,

As a recycler of plastics I am wondering if you can help me with some research am doing into recycling UV degraded poly rainwater tanks. Can degraded plastic be recycled? There are views around saying it can and others saying it can't. Can you shed any light on this? Have you recycled any degraded tanks or plastic?

Thanks for any help or clarification you can offer.
Don Matthews

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Downpour Freshwater Solutions (manufacturer VIC)

Sunbury VIC
1300 664 148
from Don Matthews <>
Mar 31, 2009 subject Recycling UV degraded poly

Dear Downpour,

I notice you manufacture rainwater tanks and wondered if you could help me. I am thinking of buying a poly tank but would like to know if it can be recycled when it eventually is broken down by sunlight. I would like to think I was doing the right thing by the environment in buying a tank which can be recycled at the end of its life.

Thanks for your help
Don Matthews
from Don Matthews <>
Apr 6, 2009 Re: Recycling UV degraded poly

Could you please acknowledge and repond to my email.

Don Matthews
fromKathy Fry <>toDon Matthews
<> Apr 6, 2009 RE: Recycling UV degraded poly tank

My apologies Don, I have been getting the answer for you and was emailing you this afternoon. Our tanks have UV protection so sunlight wont break them down. At the end of their life Poly tanks can be recycled. They are broken down and chipped to re-make the powder that is used to make the tanks. I hope this information is of value to you.

Kind regards
Kathy Fry
Downpour Business and Sunbury Office Manager
Phone: 1300 664 148Fax: 1300 769 678Email
from Don Matthews <>toKathy Fry <>Apr 6, 2009 Re: Recycling UV degraded poly tank

Thanks Kathy

Tanks for Sale (supplier SA)

Sheidow Park, SA
Brad Fuss
(08) 8387 1744
from Don Matthews <>
Apr 2, 2009 subject Recycling UV degraded poly tank

Dear Brad,

I notice you sell rainwater tanks and wondered if you could help me. I am thinking of buying a poly tank but would like to know if it can be recycled when it eventually is broken down by sunlight. I would like to think I was doing the right thing by the environment in buying a tank which can be recycled at the end of its life.

Thanks for your help
Don Matthews
from Don Matthews <>
Apr 6, 2009 Re: Recycling UV degraded poly tank


Could you please acknowledge and respond to my email.

Don Matthews

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


July 2008
JOHN ROSEFELDER (Stainless Rainwater Tanks Pty Ltd)
"Currently there is no way to recycle the spent plastic and this may create a real environmental problem when all the plastic tanks will start to fail in the years to come" ( Questions and answers)

"Unfortunately your statement that “manufacturers state that tanks are recyclable” cannot be substantiated. For such a statement to have any value concise information would be required. Example Mr..... from Poly World, in his position as Managing Director declared on the (date) that tanks manufactured from polyethylene after expire of their service life can be recycle in following manner........... with the end product being used as........... I would welcome if you could supply such information and I change my website accordingly. Any other statement is meaningless and purely a marketing tool" (email 10 July) "

I am in close contact with (name removed) one of the largest poly tank manufacturer in Australia. My question to him regarding recycling is always answered in a very coy and political way. Essentially nobody in this industry would address the issue that poly tanks are actually failing already, many well before there warranty expires. Therefore if nobody acknowledge this problem in the first place, there is no need to discuss recycling!!!!!" (email 10 July)

"I am not a scientist, but my common sense and every day experience tells me that there is a real issue with recycling spent poly. This statement is based on following reasoning. 1)“spent” poly is a product where the polymers, which give poly the elasticity and strength are destroyed by the exposure to UV rays. To the best of my knowledge there is no technology available to reverse this process. 2) We replaced numerous split and cracked poly tanks, and this shells just remain in the field, some for years. Refuse dumps do not accept them ( here in Brisbane anyway). If there would be any value in this piles of twisted plastic, somebody surely would be happy to accept them. 3) The shell of the black poly tank, shown in my website, resting on a vacant block of land about 4km from the Brisbane CBD for the last 4 years. Well within walking distance of some metal recyclers. If there would be any value at all in this heap of plastic, it would have disappeared years ago. 4)If you take a drive through the country side around Brisbane, towards Gatton you see numerous failed tank just laying in the fields, one of them is actually recycled. It has been spilt in halve and is used as a goat house. 5) If you visit Bunnings you will find garden edging made from recycled plastic, but not poly" (email 10 July)
LEISA DONLAN (CEO ARMA Association of Rotational Moulders Australasia)
"Can poly tanks be recycled? yes they can be completely recycled" ( "the material is 100% recycled" (

"Most of the spent tanks will be recycled into animal troughs, road barriers and non-food grade products" (email 14 July) ---------------------------------------------------------
DON MATTHEWS (concerned member of public)
"I will not sit idly by and watch a big multimillion dollar organization risk mucking up the environment for my kids all for the sake of sales and the dollar"

"I am getting frustrated at being given vague and evasive answers, or no answers at all, to what I, and a lot of other people, view as very important and serious questions about the future of our environment" (email to LD 24 July)

"I may be old fashioned but I still value the courtesy of acknowlegement or reply " (on sending emails)

"Unlike ARMA, my research project with the University of Maradonga is not top secret" (on Leisa Donlan's comment that details and progress of a recycling research between ARMA and the University of Auckland, broadcast on ARMA'S website is restricted to ARMA members)

"I do not seem to be getting any replies to my email questions to manufacturers - probably getting lost in the system" (email to LD 24 July)

"It seems more like a marketing tool than a genuine care for the environment"(email to LD 24 July)

"I am willing to stand corrected if I am coming to the wrong conclusions" (email to LD 24 July)

"I am getting the impression that no-one in the poly tank industry is willing to address the problem that tanks are already failing. If no-one acknowledges there is a problem in the first place I guess there is no need to discuss recycling.... is there? (email to LD 24 July)
"Basically, non-conforming tanks (seconds) or tanks that have come to the end of their working life or that have been fatally damaged can be cut up and returned to the manufacturer for recycling into non-food grade products"
Sep 2008
THOMAS PLASTICS (manufacturer QLD)
"You can most definitely recycle the tank at the end of their lives, however they tend to last a very long time our tanks come with a 25 year warranty, Any off cuts, seconds or damaged tanks are recycled here as we have a full recycling plant in house which allows us to reprocess the plastic and re use for other products"
ROTECH (manufacturer QLD)
"We manufacture our poly tanks from food grade plastic which can be recycled"

"The answer to your question is yes. Even after 20 years the plastic can still be recycled it would only be the outer wall of the tank that may be affected"
ECOPLANIT (supplier SA)
"Our tanks are manufactured from high quality food grade Polyethylene so recycling shouldn’t be a problem.
Currently none of the manufacturers offer a recycling programme but may do in the future"
"The answer is yes, in fact polyethylene water tanks are made from LLDPE and this is a good recyclable material"
ROTECH (manufacturers)
"We manufacture our poly tanks from food grade plastic which can be recycled. (email 23 Sep)

"The answer to your question is yes. Even after 20 years the plastic can still be recycled it would only be the outer wall of the tank that may be affected.Hope this clarifies it for you"
"Due to our focus on clean source material Astron plastics does not collect post consumer waste" (website)
"Yes our tanks are entirely recyclable. We recycle and reuse our own scrap plastic.The plastic we use has been UV stabilised so the harsh Australian sun does not break down the plastic. It been in testing for over 25 years"
Oct 2008
Rainwater tanks are made from polyethylene which is at the top of the list as far as recycling is concerned. I have recyclers such as PGS and Advanced Plastic Recycling lining up for any tank failures and are prepared to pay for the plastic
TANKPOLY (manufacturer Lonsdale SA)
"After checking this with our suppliers technical department, I can confirm that the tanks can be recycled after their life span for other uses"
March 2009
MASTER TANKS (manufacturer SA)
"Yes all of our polyethylene tanks can be recycled"
POLY WATER TANKS (manufacturer NSW)
"All our tanks are can be recycled"

" I find it interesting the no comments you get. my general theory is that no plastic of any sort will suffer the sun. i have seen even the best of outdoor sheeets etc only break down. I truly believe the best tanks are concrete or galv." (JD)

"I am concerned about the environment in general. I want clean air, clean water. In short, a cleaner world" (Spike Milligan) "

I have been following your 'debate' with interest" (PV)

"I have purchased many poly tanks in my time. This is because the corrugated galvanized ones rust out in 10 - 12 years with Adelaide water. I will never buy an 'iron' tank again." (PV)

"Good luck with it" (DM)

"if they say they can recycle them, then maybe they can, once they add new materials in the mix..?" (CD)

"This is amazing" (PV)

"they have been of interest to me. It does seem that you will have quite battle to get anywhere on this one, but I wish you the very best of luck." (RW)

"Your approach is much too aggressive for me" (Jennifer Morohasey Australian Environment Foundation))